In the News

Two decades ago, Republicans chose to attack environmental regulations. Now we're paying the price
June 28, 2024

Michael Oppenheimer comments for Salon on June 28, 2024

EPA's carbon metric may underestimate climate damage — at least for now
July 18, 2023

The social cost of carbon will likely rise as data on climate impacts improves, according to peer reviewers of a proposed EPA metric key to rulemaking

Michael Oppenheimer comments for E&ENews/…

You Think This Is Hot? A Conversation with Michael Oppenheimer and Mark Chambers
June 28, 2023

Interview by VitalCity: Two climate experts on how New Yorkers can stay safe and healthy in our ever more scalding future


Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
313 Robertson Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544
[email protected]

Assistant: Charles Crosby
[email protected]